Saturday, July 5, 2008

Flying in Tianeti

This has been a wonderful site for thermal soaring. No cross-country beyond 10-15 km yet, going East. We did our very first flight there in 2007, and Roland did the largest distance in a single flight towards Akhmeta, landing in a small clearing. In 2008 two further distance flights East, beyond Tianeti town, and in early 2009 one more flight East, also of about 10 km.

Here for the soaring, which on a typical day can last for hours.

An even better day was this:

Super easy takeoff and landing. This is a very forgiving site.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Gudauri | April Flight

Flying in Gudauri, in early April. Definitely some powerful thermals there, but way out in the valley, so they are not easy to catch. Also, it isn't easy finding a good connecting thermal. Definitely a reason for more people to fly together.

In the distance, you see Mt Kazbek.

The launch is from Kudebi, at 3000 m, through fairly slushy snow.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Gudauri | Winter Flying

Fun, and freezing.

You can fly all the way into the valley, about 1600 m of altitude.